Best Practices for Using Social Media Data to Augment Career Outcomes Surveys

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Best Practices for Using Social Media Data to
Augment Career Outcomes Surveys

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Incorporating data from social media is an excellent way to improve your career outcomes knowledge rate but the time that it takes and the data that you collect can quickly get out of hand. Based upon our experience of performing hundreds of thousands of searches, EPSS has developed a set of best practices that guide our work. Many of the important ones are included below.

Incorporating the following best practices into your effort will greatly improve the quality of your results and the efficiency of the process. If you are short on time and are interested in having us do the heavy lifting, you can schedule a time for us to connect on the phone or you can upload your graduate data to our secure website to get started immediately.


Before You Begin
As you work though the data, there will be a lot of decisions to make and times that the information just does not fit neatly into a pre‐defined category. If you have several individuals searching for information, this multiplies the decisions and can lead to significant inconsistencies in your data collection. Making some decision before hand and defining how the data will be interpreted will provide a framework and bring consistency to your data collection. As You Search
Searching takes time and if you have lots of graduates to search for, it can quickly become a very labor intensive task. Here are some items that we rely upon to provide the highest quality results in an efficient manner.

Other Factors to Consider