Helping Universities Determine the Career Outcomes of Their Graduates
Standard Surveys
Custom Surveys
Data From Social Media
Data Standardization
Dataset Merging
Interactive Infographic
Designed to
accurately determine
the career outcomes
of your graduates
Easily get answers to these questions:
How many graduates continued their education?
How many graduates secured full-time employment?
How many graduates started their own businesses?
How well did their education prepare them for life?
Proven results:
We’ve tracked graduates for hundreds of universities for over 15 years
[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="85" bar_size="13" label="KNOWLEDGE RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]
We find graduates
85% of the time
[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="59" bar_size="13" label="RESPONSE RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]
59% of graduates
respond to our surveys
[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="57" bar_size="13" label="SOCIAL MEDIA RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]
We find graduate social media profiles 57% of the time