Helping Universities Determine the Career Outcomes of Their Graduates

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Designed to
accurately determine
the career outcomes
of your graduates


­— Tonya Nations, William & Mary

We are especially pleased and will share our experience with colleagues.


­— Tom Barnikow, Saginaw Valley State University

I was working on a couple of projects with Alumni Relations, and a discussion came up about the amazing results that we have with our First Destinations Survey that EPSS conducts for us.


­— Talia Jurgens - Texas Space Grant Center for Space Research

We have been working with the Education Programs Support Services (EPSS) through the National Space Grant Foundation since 2006. The EPSS program has developed, implemented, and conducted online technical services for our proposal submission, Fellowship and Scholarship applications and program participant longitudinal tracking. We are a small staffed office, and EPSS has provided user friendly web application process that hundreds of our participants use each year. We are able to collect timely, precise data that is specific to our needs. This service has streamlined many of our activities and saved numerous man hours for minimal costs. EPSS services have been invaluable to us.


­— Tom Durkin - South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

We certainly want to continue with the longitudinal tracking system that you have provided for us, as we have always been very satisfied with the service. The system works very well in meeting our needs, your reports to us are always on time, and any questions we have are always answered immediately.


­— Jaydeep Mukherjee - Director, NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium

EPSS absolutely saved our lives! They have a great personal touch and whenever we have questions, they respond within a few hours. We haven’t had any issues during the seven years we have been with EPSS and it just wouldn’t make sense for us to do it any other way.


­— Majid Jaridi - West Virginia Space Grant

I really appreciate and value the great service we receive to support our longitudinal tracking efforts. The statistical reports as well as student comments are extremely helpful to us and are sent on a timely basis. Thanks for an excellent service.


­— Barrett Caldwell - Indiana Space Grant

Honestly, our experience has been nothing short of transformative. EPSS has enabled us to efficiently manage our tasks, which now takes hours instead of weeks and to dramatically streamline the decision making process.


­— Debora Nielson, Alabama Space Grant

EPSS was extremely understanding and responsive to our individual needs. Even though our staff was initially apprehensive about converting to an electronic system, Mark and his team were always there to oversee every step of the process. Their assistance was absolutely invaluable. In fact, I even considered them an "extension of our office staff."

Easily get answers to these questions:

graduate education icon

How many graduates continued their education?

working icon

How many graduates secured full-time employment?


How many graduates started their own businesses?


How well did their education prepare them for life?

Trusted by universities across the nation:

Proven results:

We’ve tracked graduates for hundreds of universities for over 15 years

[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="85" bar_size="13" label="KNOWLEDGE RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]

We find graduates
85% of the time

[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="59" bar_size="13" label="RESPONSE RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]

59% of graduates
respond to our surveys

[eplus_progresspie style="1" value="57" bar_size="13" label="SOCIAL MEDIA RATE" value_color="#002954" label_color="#002954" trackcolor="#d9dde6" barcolor="#4376b3" fillcolor="#ffffff"]

We find graduate social media profiles 57% of the time

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